My Work


Check out my poems on the Winter 2023 issue of Sixfold Journal

When and Where I Enter: A Poetic Mythology

This original poetry collection is my undergraduate thesis project for honors in Creative Writing at Brown University

Bite the Hand: Poems for the Cannibals who Feed on Us

This poetry collection is a catharsis. A call-out. A scream into the void.

In Progress: Name a Time and Place

This poetry collection is an exploration of space, time, and the all-consuming nature of love.

Other Writing

Short Fiction

Blood and Guts

planet 072

Using Wings

Not Safe For Werk

This play tells the story of S.B., an R&B singer who slowly loses sight of herself after an explicit video is released.

Battleground States

An interracial couple is getting married in Virginia, USA. As the festivities continue, the bride is haunted by one of the groom's ancestors.